Lady Gaga released her highly-anticipated music video for “Disease”, the lead single off LG7. The music video was directed by Tanu Muino and features some looks styled by power stylist duo HARDSTYLE (Nick Royal & Peri Rosenzweig) which served up twisted fashion fantasy that was equal parts glamorous and grotesque. Hair by Frederic Aspiras, makeup by Sarah Tanno-Stewart and nails by Miho Okawara. For the opening look, we get to see Gaga in a lush black long wig and a quite innocent-looking vintage 1970s cotton floral mini dress which was sourced at Replika Vintage in LA! We meet Gaga‘s demonic alter-ego, clad in an all-black ensemble inspired by plague doctors. What many people missed is that this super complex look changed approximately 3 times in the video, with layers and accessories added and removed. She wears a black silk taffeta gown with wired constructions sticking out, and a feathered headpiece from another look – all from young French designer Charles de Vilmorin‘s Fall/W...
This is Alexis, my BEST friend in the whole world! She has the biggest and kindest heart and we always have so much fun together! We dubbed ourselves the name PACC (our initials combined lol). She has quite the wardrobe too ;) well anyway… Alexis and I had just come back from TAO Restaurant in NYC, later on in the night we were going to see a movie so lexy needed to switch up the ensemble… since it’s just a movie she wanted to go with something more casual… yeah sound’s simple but no… with me and lex, we make getting dressed into a major Broadway production to say the least. Sometimes it gets so bad we have to force ourselves to leave bedroom because we will just keep changing the outfits or tweaking the look or adding to it… it’s no joke we have a problem lol. Her first choice ended up being this maxi dress ensemble… Maxi dress from forever 21, shoes Prada, cotton scarf made into a belt found at a thrift store in Philli, black V-neck top by splendid, Swatch watch....
After about an hour of trying to perfect this look, she compleatley changed her mind at the last second (which usually always happens) and threw on this cute leopard cardigan by Tracy Reese, gray shorts by James Jeans, white sandals by Todds, and a Louis Vutton bag. Perfection!
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